Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A Twitter Find!

So, I just became a part of the twitter world for my Tech for Ed class and at first I was not happy about it. Although after being on there for about a week now I realize that it is not all bad. I have been finding many interesting posts and following other education students, educators, and principals. I now agree that this is a great resource when used for the proper reasons. One of the more recent interesting things that I came across was a tweet about the 20 movies that every educator should see.  This list includes an overview of the movie and why the educator should see it.  Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!


  1. I had the same thoughts on Twitter as you did before this class. The link to the 20 movies is great. I guess I know a few movies I need to go watch now.

  2. I also wasn't a fan of Twitter. I am starting to get use to it. However I think it is going to take a little bit before I really do like it.

  3. I have a personal twitter but before i got that I was not all for it, it grew on me. But, when Prof. Smith told us we had to make a professional twitter and use it I was sure I would hate it, but like my personal twitter I found I enjoy this one too. Twitter grows on people. You should include a Twitter pic for your post!!

  4. I too wasn't to fond of Twitter until this class but now I actually kind of like it! I can definitely see myself using it in my future classroom. Your post could use a picture to draw more people in:)

  5. I think that your post needs a picture but other then that I think that it is good. I also didn't like twitter at first, but now you see how helpful an easy it is to use. I will for sure use it in my class.

  6. I thought that using twitter in this class was going to be kind of dumb, but it turned out alright. I don't know if I would end up using it in my classroom later though.

  7. Twitter definitely can seem scary and sometimes pointless at first but I think you will continue to find that it can be beneficial. The list of movies you found was interesting, I have actually seen quite a few of them in school and many outside of school. It was interesting to see how they could be beneficial in teaching lessons and ideas.

  8. I also thought twitter was kind of weird when I started using it, but now i love it.

  9. I was the same exact way as you, I didn't like the idea of using Twitter but the more I get comfortable with it, the more I like to use it.

  10. Twitter was a challenge for me, too, at first. Until recently, I could not wrap my mind around it!

  11. It's awesome how we are able to follow other educators through Twitter. I am sure we will all find great resources and experiences that will help us become great teachers some day!

  12. I wasn't too happy about twitter when I first started using it either! But now it pretty much takes up most of my time.

  13. I didn't like twitter at all when I first started using it but once you get used to it you will learn to love it!

  14. I really was reluctant to use twitter but I've found it is an awesome resource!

  15. I had exactly the same feelings about twitter at first. It wasn't until I used it a few times that I felt fully comfortable.
